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Rollover Accident Lawyer

Beaumont Personal Injury Attorney for Rollover Accident Victims

While any car crash can be jarring and produce severe injuries, rollover accidents are likely to produce permanent injuries or even death. Rollover crashes occur when at least one vehicle involved tips over, either continuing to roll or landing with the roof of the vehicle on the ground. Occupants of a vehicle that rolls over are likely to suffer severe injuries or worse.

If you or someone you care about has been involved in a rollover accident involving equipment or vehicles, you need an experienced and effective auto accident lawyer to help investigate the circumstances of your accident and determine who may be held liable for your damages. The zealous car accident legal team at Gilbert Adams Law Offices is ready to help.

The Dangers of Rollover Accidents

Rollovers don’t happen in every car crash, but when they do happen, a catastrophic injury is likely to occur. According to reports from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), while rollover accidents tend to account for only around 3% of car crashes in a given year, rollovers account for around 20% of all traffic fatalities. When rollover accidents happen, people are likely to be killed.

Even if the vehicle occupants survive the rollover crash, they are likely to suffer a serious injury such as:

  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Damage to the spinal cord
  • Broken bones
  • Coma
  • Severe cuts and lacerations
  • Disfigurement
  • Disability

Motorists involved in a rollover crash are likely to wind up with very high medical expenses, long-term and likely permanent functional loss and disability, and an enormous change in their way of life. If you’ve been in a rollover crash, or if you have a loved one who’s been in a rollover accident, the passionate auto accident lawyers at Gilbert Adams Law Offices can help you and your family get the medical care you need and the compensation you deserve.

What Causes Rollover Accidents?

A number of factors contribute to rollover accidents. In nearly every rollover accident, however, someone involved was negligent. Whether it was a negligent driver, a defective auto parts manufacturer, or even a delivery company who has unsafely loaded the truck or trailer, rollover accidents rarely happen for no reason.

The dedicated Texas rollover accident team has years of experience investigating rollover accidents to determine the cause and, ultimately, who should be held liable. We’ll review the evidence to identify factors that may have played into the accident, including:

  • Negligent or reckless driving. Speeding, swerving, taking sharp turns at high speeds, and generally ignoring the rules of the road greatly increase the odds of a rollover crash. Drivers who are impaired by drugs or alcohol, drowsy drivers, and distracted drivers are more likely to commit errors leading to rollover accidents.
  • Defective tires or vehicles. Vehicles with a high center of gravity and narrow track, such as vans, SUVs, and pickup trucks, are already at higher risk of rolling over. If the manufacturer did an inadequate job designing or manufacturing the vehicle, the chances of a rollover accident are even more likely. Other vehicle defects such as faulty seatbelts, airbags, steering, or brakes can increase the likelihood of a catastrophic injury in a rollover crash.
  • Inclement weather and road conditions. Rollover accidents are more likely to occur when there are additional dangers on the road–ice, rain, snow or fog make it more difficult to control the vehicle and see other drivers. Potholes and other road defects can cause a driver to lose control. Drivers must be extra vigilant when driving in poor conditions, which may mean slowing down or checking for other vehicles more frequently; failing to do so can cause a collision and rollover.
  • Poor road design. Potholes can cause drivers to lose control, but so can poorly-designed roadways. If a freeway off-ramp leads right into a sharp turn, or a sudden slowdown into a residential district, rollover crashes may be more likely to occur.
  • Overloads and unbalanced loads. Freight vehicles such as eighteen-wheelers must be loaded appropriately in order to maintain balance. If large trucks, or passenger vehicles such as SUVs and pickup trucks, are overloaded, or if their loads are imbalanced or improperly secured, a rollover crash is much more likely to occur.

Get Help With Your Injury Claims After a Texas Rollover Crash

If you or a loved one has been injured or worse in a rollover crash caused by a negligent party in Texas, contact the Gilbert Adams Law Offices in Beaumont at 409-835-3000 for a free consultation with a seasoned and dedicated Texas auto accident attorney.

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