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Pipeline Explosion Attorney

Oil and gas drilling, refining and production are some of the biggest industries in Texas.  Hundreds of thousands of people work for energy and drilling companies, on-shore and off-shore.  The petrochemical industry, however, presents a significant risk of personal injury, both for workers and for anyone who happens to work or live nearby a pipeline.  Across the United States, in the last 40 years, pipeline accidents have killed more than 500 people, injured thousands more, and cost over $7 billion in property damage.

Texas, in particular, feels the brunt of the dangers of pipeline explosions.  Between 1999 and 2018, there were 772 “serious” pipeline incidents and another 5,172 “significant” incidents nationwide.  One hundred two of the serious incidents and 1,210 of the significant incidents occurred in the State of Texas.

Whether due to a manufacturing defect, negligent installation or maintenance, or deliberate disregard for safety protocols at the management level, when a pipeline explodes, people get hurt.  Injured workers or nearby civilians deserve to be compensated for the harm they suffer.  Gilbert Adams Law Offices and our oilfield accident legal team are here to help.

Types of Pipelines

There are various types of pipelines across the U.S., but the two most common are oil and natural gas pipelines.  When you hear about a pipeline leak, rupture, or explosion, it tends to relate to one of these two types of pipelines.

Oil pipelines are used to transport crude oil or refined oil between oil fields and refineries.  The majority of the pipes are underground and surface at pump stations and valves.  A rare few oil pipelines travel aboveground, including the Trans-Alaskan pipeline.

Natural gas pipelines, on the other hand, carry natural gas to distributors who then use their pipelines to deliver the gas to consumers.  These pipelines are typically made from carbon steel and are pressurized to promote the movement of the gas from one end to the other.  They are used both residentially and industrially, meaning that an explosion can happen near homes.

Causes of Pipeline Explosions

Pipelines, obviously, are not meant to explode.  When they do, it is most likely due to the failure of a person or company at the manufacturing, installation, or maintenance stage.  At Gilbert Adams Law Offices, our pipeline accident legal team is ready to stand toe-to-toe with anyone responsible for a pipeline accident, including the biggest oil and gas companies.  We fight for the recovery owed to our clients after a pipeline explosion, regardless of who is liable.

A variety of factors can lead to a pipeline explosion.  Gilbert Adams Law Offices is prepared to bring claims for injuries sustained as a result of, for example:

  • Failure to properly mark pipeline locations
  • Corrosion of pipeline and metal fatigue
  • Excavation accidents
  • Weld failures
  • Defective pipeline parts
  • Improper installation or removal of pipelines
  • Human error
  • Equipment failure
  • Gas leaks and explosions
  • Failure to prepare for natural disasters

The majority of pipeline explosions happen with natural gas pipelines.  In fact, over 20 homes across North and Central Texas have been destroyed in natural gas pipeline accidents since 2006.  Those accidents killed nine people and seriously injured at least 22 more.

Damages Available After a Pipeline Explosion

If you were injured in a pipeline explosion or if your loved one was killed when a pipeline ruptured, you might be entitled to significant monetary compensation.  The pipeline explosion injury lawyers at Gilbert Adams Law Offices will help you recover the damages you are due, including the following:

  • Medical bills, past and future
  • Medical devices such as wheelchairs, crutches, and artificial organs or limbs
  • Property damage
  • Physical therapy, nursing care, and other continuing services
  • Pain and suffering
  • Disability
  • Disfigurement
  • Mental anguish
  • Loss of companionship and household services
  • Loss of life enjoyment
  • Funeral and burial services
  • Wages lost as a result of missed work
  • Wrongful death

Contact Beaumont Injury Attorney Gilbert Adams for Help After a Pipeline Explosion in Texas

If you’ve been hurt in a Texas pipeline accident, contact the dedicated and passionate Beaumont pipeline injury lawyers at the Gilbert Adams Law Offices for a free consultation at 409-835-3000.

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