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Unsafe Workplace Injury Lawyer in Beaumont Serving Throughout Texas

Helping Victims Injured in Unsafe Work Environments

If you’ve been injured at work because of poor or inadequate safety conditions, a workplace injury lawyer at Gilbert Adams Law Offices is ready to help you. With over 90 years of combined experience, our personal injury attorneys are here to get you the compensation you deserve.

Texas Workers are Guaranteed the Right to a Safe Workplace

There are a number of state and federal laws in place that require employers to provide a safe workplace for employees. The Federal Occupational Health and Safety Act, enforced by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), requires employers to provide a healthy and safe work environment for employees. The standards for a safe workplace vary by industry, and employers must protect against those hazards specific to the area of employment. Employees have the right to file complaints or request on-site inspections when a work environment is or may be unsafe.

Texas state law also sets standards for safe workplaces. In particular, the Texas Occupational Safety Act and the Hazard Communication Act put requirements on employers to keep workplaces safe for employees. Employers must implement reasonable safeguards against injuries, provide appropriate personal protective equipment, and protect employees from hazardous materials at the workplace.

Claims for Workplace Negligence

Not all employers purchase workers’ compensation insurance.  In Texas, workers’ compensation is meant to be the “exclusive remedy” for workplace injuries where it applies. If your employer was a subscriber of workers’ compensation insurance, except for a few exceptions including death, your claims against your employer are likely limited to recovery of workers’ compensation benefits.  If your employer was not a subscriber to workers’ compensation insurance, then you likely have the right to bring a negligence claim against your employer based on unsafe working conditions, which is often referenced as a “non-subscriber claim.”

However, where a life-altering injury has occurred, workers’ compensation benefits are not adequate or sufficient to adequately replace your wages or compensate for future medical needs.  If you were injured by a third party (anyone besides your employer), you could be eligible to collect damages even if you are covered by workers’ comp. For instance, if you were injured in a car crash on a work errand, you might be entitled to not only workers’ compensation benefits (since you were working at the time of the wreck), but also collect damages against the negligent driver causing the collision. Another common example of a third-party claim might exist on a construction project where an employee from another company caused or contributed to cause your injuries.  Yet another example where you could be entitled to benefits from multiple sources occurs where a dangerous or defective product caused or contributed to cause your injuries while you were working on the job. Talk to a seasoned workplace injury lawyer at Gilbert Adams Law Offices to explore your options for recovery.

Get Help from Seasoned Personal Injury Legal Representatives

Employers have a responsibility to keep the work environment safe for employees. This can extend to other employers who had a right of control over your work, created a dangerous condition or exposed you to a dangerous condition. Workers who are injured on the job, whether due to unsafe working conditions, have the right to recover compensation. If your employer or another party was negligent and their negligence contributed to cause your injury, you may have additional damages available to you. It is vital to have an experienced attorney on your side to ensure that you maximize your available recovery and do not miss out on any areas of compensation. In Beaumont and throughout Texas, contact the Gilbert Adams Law Offices for a free workplace injury consultation regarding an on-the-job or workplace injury.

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